Tuscan Taste

Cantucci: A Slice of Tuscan Tradition

In the annals of culinary history, there exists a tiny yet profound distinction—a difference so subtle, it beckons the discerning palate to unravel its secrets.

Defined as a “sliced cookie, made with fine flour, sugar, and egg whites” by the esteemed Accademia della Crusca in 1691, the Cantucci emerges as a fragrant testament to Tuscan craftsmanship.

Derived from the word “canto,” meaning corner, or perhaps from the Latin “cantellus,” denoting a slice of bread, the Cantuccio embodies the essence of Prato‘s renowned confectionery. Enriched with baking soda and natural flavors, this delectable treat boasts a lineage steeped in tradition, its original recipe safeguarded within the hallowed halls of Prato’s State Archives.

While the Cantucci found its genesis in Pisa, its evolution saw the introduction of almonds, mirroring the culinary innovations attributed to Caterina de Medici’s biscottelli in the 19th century.

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Dense and rustic, these almond-studded delights find their ideal companion in Vin Santo, offering a sensory symphony that tantalizes the taste buds. Yet, their journey towards recognition transcends mere indulgence; in 2011, the birth of the Assocantuccini heralded a quest to secure the Cantucci’s place among Italy’s esteemed IGP products.

Beyond the storied streets of Prato, variations abound, each adding a unique twist to the classic Cantucci. From luscious chocolate to vibrant pistachios and the ancient allure of Alchermes liqueur, these adaptations pay homage to a legacy that spans centuries.

As Prato’s Biscottificio Mattei proudly continues the tradition of Cantucci production, each morsel stands as a testament to Tuscan ingenuity—a slice of history waiting to be savored with every bite.

Find Tuscan Taste Florence in Via Romana 41R
in Florence’s Oltrarno, between Piazza Pitti and Boboli Gardens.

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